Cheddar Hockey Club

Cheddar Hockey Club

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Safeguarding/ Welfare Policy

Cheddar Hockey Club – Safeguarding / Welfare policy


The safety and protection of all club members is paramount. Cheddar Hockey club strives to be compliant with the Safeguarding Regulations and policies of England Hockey.

Safeguarding is everyone’s responsibility to create environments where young people feel safe, have a voice and trust that the people around them are acting in their best interests. It is everyone’s responsibility to report concerns.

Any concerns regarding welfare eg. poor practice, bullying or abuse, should be shared with a designated welfare officer and appropriate action will be taken, in accordance with England Hockey’s policies, procedures and systems (

Safeguarding Policies and good practice relating to the safeguarding of young people in hockey, need to be applied in relation to activities for young people, and where young players or umpires under 18 years of age are incorporated into adult team hockey. This applies in all hockey environments, on and off the pitch.


The safeguarding policy is to promote the welfare of young people and protect them from harm.

To have open channels of communication between members and welfare officers of the club, and outside agencies where appropriate.

To document good practice that supports the safety and welfare of all club members, in particular young people.

The club has a duty of care for this message to be communicated to all members to make them aware of the issues relating to safeguarding.

The club will encourage young people to express their views and ensure they feel confident to express concerns, share their thoughts and aid development of the club, themselves and their peers.

General Principals and agreed good practice

All club members must observe England Hockey’s Code of Ethics and Behaviour.

The club adheres to the requirements regarding the completion of DBS checks for all appropriate individuals. DBS checks are completed by England Hockey.

All concerns relating to safety and welfare of club members are taken seriously, and will be acted on swiftly and appropriately. All concerns should be reported to the welfare officer in the first instance (see contact details at end of document)

An adult should never put themselves or allow yourselves to be put in a situation whereby they are on your own with a young person. Always ensure a third ‘trusted’ person is present. A minimum of two adults should be present or at the very least, that you are in sight or hearing of others.

Bullying - will not be tolerated (anything that is done with the intention of hurting or intimidating, frightening or upsetting another person). We are committed to providing a caring, friendly and safe environment for all of our players so they can participate in a relaxed and secure environment.

Banter should never be used as an excuse to bully another person and will be challenged.

Photography - No consent, No photo’  The club follows the guidance offered by England Hockey for implementing good practice on taking and use of photographic and recorded images, to ensure against the inappropriate or uninformed use of images. Anyone taking images should be challenged - ask any individual who they are and why they are taking photos/recording images, if they do not have permission. Any concerns should be reported to the Welfare Officer. Ask other teams for their permission to record images. Do not use photos of young people without gaining written consent from the player and parents/legal guardians

Communication Parents/carers with parental responsibility will be involved in communication with young people. It is recommended that parents are copied into written communication (i.e. letters or emails), or speak with a player and their parents. Contacting young people by phone, text or email should never be undertaken without parental consent. Many young people may not use or have access to an email account, or age limits for apps such as WhatsApp may restrict the ways in which young people can be contacted – a method with parents/guardians will be agreed

All members should give careful consideration to their use of social networking sites ‘Think before you post’

DON’T use inappropriate language, behaviour or humour, or share unsuitable content with young people

Banter should never be used as an excuse to bully another person

Inappropriate language/behaviour / banter will be challenged

DOs and DON’Ts Of Using WhatsApp or equivalent social media/group communication apps:

DO • Tell members what the app is/isn’t to be used for eg. only hockey orientated content • Inform parents of its intended use • Keep language appropriate • Ensure members have a mechanism to report inappropriate content

DONT • Assume everyone is on WhatsApp • Use the app for private messaging • Use the app to replace formal feedback • allow individuals to contact each other in a negative way e.g. bullying

Changing rooms: Young people can be intimidated or uncomfortable, self-conscious and anxious about changing in front of others. When young people are playing in senior teams with adults, if they use changing rooms at the same time, young people should have access to separate showers/ changing space for privacy and parents must be informed of the changing arrangements. 

Consideration will be made in addressing the needs of young transgender or transitioning people.

Data collection: All personal information is processed, stored and retained in accordance with the General Protection and Data Regulation (GDPR) requirements. Data will be erased once it is no longer required.

Ensure that any relevant adults e.g. the coach, team captain (if over 18) or nominated responsible adult is aware of any medical conditions that may affected a young person whilst in their care (such as asthma, epi-pens etc.) as they have a legitimate interest to hold this data to fulfil their duty of care. Consider a ‘back up’ for sharing medical data and emergency contact details and consents pitch side

These data storage principles also apply to storing photographic or recorded images, including, but not limited to: • Gaining consent to record, store and use images • Informing individuals on where these images will be stored • Consideration to who has access to these images • Password protection if images are stored on a shared area • Having a storage and retention policy (including deletion of images)

Social events: When organising social events, the club can involve U18’s in social events whilst ensuring their welfare is at the forefront by considering:

  • the environment that young people are involved in
  • are their parents or carers present? OR
  • identify an individual within the team (captain/team manager etc.) who is responsible for the safety & welfare of junior members when at social events
  • if contact details for a parent/ carer of that U18 are held
  • whether the U18 is in a position where they may be exposed to alcohol
  • preventing theU18s from being exposed to uncomfortable/inappropriate situations

Transport: EH strongly advise it is the responsibility of parents/carers to transport their children to and from a training session, match or away fixture.

Drivers must ensure the safety of passengers and must not compromise the safety of anyone eg. DO NOT have an alcoholic drink at ‘teas’

Drivers must ensure that their vehicle is roadworthy and that they have a valid licence and insurance cover

Drivers are responsible for only using vehicles with seat belts and ensuring that their passengers are wearing these when in transit

Drivers must be aware of their legal obligations when transporting young players

Parents/guardians/carers must give written permission if their child/children are being transported in another adult car

Clear information on the expected time of departure and arrivals needs to be communicated to relevant people, i.e. parents/guardians/carers

Drivers should not be alone with a young person in the car at any time.

Young players in adult teams: Young players should receive a positive experience which will help them develop and grow as people and players. They are the future of the game and therefore they should be encouraged, supported and developed.

 The club will consider:

  • Physiological and psychological maturity 
  • Skill / technical ability  
  • readiness for increased physicality of senior game
  • Peer involvement (do they want to play with their friends)
  • who is responsible for any young people within a senior team when they are in social settings such as: changing rooms, club house/bar area and other social activities.
  • appointing a mentor for young people playing within senior teams who can support and encourage them, both on and off the pitch.
  • who is responsible for young people when they are substituted, sent off or are injured
  • Transport
  • Medical data
  • Photography consent
  • hockey may not be their only commitment eg do they have exams at school, weekend or evening jobs, do they play other sports

Players will consider:

  • appropriate language and behaviour
  • avoiding negative actions and swearing both on and off the pitch
  • Social media/networking (see separate section)
  • informing umpires/opposition that there are young people playing

Medical requirements

All registration forms contain a medical questionnaire. Personal information will only be shared appropriately, based on consideration of the safety and well-being of the player, and in line with GDPR requirements.

Members should update team captains and coaches if their medical requirement or support needed changes.

Personal medical equipment such as inhalers are the responsibility of players requiring said item.

First Aid kits are maintained by all teams and are available pitch side.

As Parent/Legal Guardian

  • please ensure your young person has the correct kit and equipment- mouth guard, shin pads, a drink, sun cream or warm clothing /waterproofs, medication if required.
  • ensure young people do not enter the pitch unsupervised and do not start using balls or sticks until supervised activity commences.
  • Please ensure that you check that a match is still going ahead 
  • please arrange for your child to be dropped off and picked up promptly from matches and training.
  • Contact your team captain if you are running late
  • Adhere to our code of conduct and behaviour- this is sent to you when you register
  • Accept the guidance that our coach gives and the decisions of umpires during a match
  • Check emails and Facebook if the weather is bad to check if a match is still on.
  • Stay off the pitch during training and matches
  • Parents may be asked to be involved in transport. Young people should never travel alone with only one other adult

This guidance is taken from and should be read in conjunction with the ENGLAND HOCKEY SAFEGUARDING AND PROTECTING YOUNG PEOPLE IN HOCKEY POLICY

The club will amend the Safeguarding policy as new regulations are released.

If you have any concerns relating to the safeguarding and welfare of a club member please do not hesitate to contact Tina on 07762738411 or Vicki 07514559478

Or England Hockey’s Ethics and Welfare Team : 01628 897500

members nameclub role
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