Cheddar Hockey Club

Cheddar Hockey Club

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The objective of this code of conduct is to specify the roles of people involved in all aspects of the hockey club, so that everyone is clear of what is expected of them. It also aims to provide a basis for the players to understand how they should conduct themselves, whilst enjoying the game of hockey.

Role of Coach/Manager

  • Organise team matters, including selection, training and equipment

  • Ensure the players understand the laws of the game and in charge of coaching basic skills and tactics

  • Ensure and adequate number of coaches & helpers present to supervise players under their control ( min of two per group)

  • In charge of team discipline and encourage self discipline in players- make them aware of sanctions that will be applied in the event of unacceptable behaviour.

  • Encourage sportsmanship and be a positive role model for the players

  • Keep a register of players attending training/match sessions and ensure that children are collected or taken home at the end of each session unless parent/ guardian has given their consent to allow players to leave un-escorted

  • Undertake child protection training ( 1 adult per team)

  • Ensure wherever practicable that they are not left alone with a player other than their own children

Role of the Player

  • Play to the best of her ability and within the spirit of the game

  • Respect the manager, officials, team mates, and opposition

  • Show commitment including reliability and punctuality

  • Self discipline in terms of language & behaviour

  • Be prepared to learn, improve and most of all enjoy the game

  • Not to leave the coaching session / match at any time until collected by a parent / guardian unless written consent has been given by them

  • Always ask the Coach/Manager to leave the playing area for any reason or to find out what is allowed or required.

Role of Parents/Guardians/Supervisors

  • Be responsible for transporting players to training and matches

  • Support the manager, team, and players

  • Be positive role models in terms of language, attitude, restraint and sportsmanship

  • Show respect to officials and opposition

  • Use positive comments only – encourage rather than discourage

  • Take out personal accident insurance for players (if require it)

  • Escort players to and from training / matches or give written permission for them to be escorted leave by themselves


  • Verbal abuse including obscene or discriminatory language

  • Negative comments

  • Entering the field of play

  • Arguing with officials or opposition supporters

  • Supporting bad behaviour of players

  • Interfering with the managers role

  • Racism. 
members nameclub role
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